Historical Archives Ljubljana: Idrija Unit

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Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota v Idriji
Prelovčeva 2, SI-5280 Idrija

Phone386 (0) 5 372 2270

The Idrija unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana, established in the early 1960s, is responsible for the protection of archival material from the area administrative region of Idrija. A reference library, a microfilm laboratory, and copying machines are available for public use. The archives publish articles in the Idrija Municipal Museum publication Idrijski razgledi [Idria Views].

The most important records held in the Idrija unit consist of documents from the period when Idrija was well known for its mercury mine. The archives are among the oldest and most important Slovene historical documents related to the industry.


In the early 1960s an archive department was established at Idrija Municipal Museum. Since the early 1970s this has functioned within the Slovene archive network as a unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana.

Programme, collections

The archival collection of the mercury mining history in the region include a large collection of charts and maps. The unit also preserves several records from the field of administration, education, economy, banking, and associations as well as some documents on jurisdiction. The documents up to 1914 are primarily in the German language and in Gothic script, whereas between the two World Wars the documents appear in the official language of Italian. The unit keeps over 200 records, representing some 750 linear metres of documents, the oldest ones dating back to 1700.

In June 2002 creative cooperation with other cultural institutions resulted in the organisation of the 6th International Symposium on Cultural Heritage related to the Mining Industry, Geology and Metallurgy.

See also

External links

Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota v Idriji +
Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota v Idriji +
SI-5280 Idrija +
Prelovčeva 2 +
The Idrija unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana, established in the early 1960s, is responsible for the protection of archival material from the area administrative region of Idrija. +
The Idrija unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana, established in the early 1960s, is responsible for the protection of archival material from the area administrative region of Idrija. +
+386 / 5 372 2270 +
Idrija +
SI-5280 +